Thursday 5 July 2012

The Lazer Collection

Dannyboy, Stateside boy among us, first showed me this when he was with me once. I looked at the way "Lazer" was spelt and and looked away. Ridiculous I thought. I look back now and wonder what the hell was wrong with me that day. It starts with the usual, a screentest that later on was turned into somethng full, but as it progresses starts to earn some genuine laughs. They are just videos of situations all over the shot, that happen to have someone or something going "BBBBLLLAAARRRGGGHHH!!!!!!!" at some point. Random, but funny.

They have this original style that, despite looking like a bit of a ASDF movie clone to me, gives you some new, quality videos. They are genuinely brilliant, with a completely unique twist and unexpectedness that guides you ever-deeper into this.

The lazer Collection, I think, is based around an original video of some random think going "I'm a' firing my laser!!!" then releasing a blast of energy through it's mouth. As you go on, this is usd to suprisingly good effect, with a lot of scenes ending with the completely ransdom intrusion of this strange thing. I personally love their creative style, and can't wait to review the other videos.

Jay D
The Brit among Us

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