Thursday 21 June 2012

The Lazer Collection 3

Now you can tell when Dfear studios rams everythig they've got into 5 minutes and 49 seconds. The first minute sets us up in by far the biggest plot in the Collection, with straight away the strange music in the background. The music is a new addition straight away, already adding this deep, interesting feel to it. After some of the Lazer Collection's best laughs yet, we're thrown in with a truly epic theme tune, whole orchestra going full force.

 After our little display of awesomeness, we're thrown back into the true
Lazer Collection spirit, with our stick men thrown into these brilliant situations, sometimes with the randomest situations I've seen in a long while back here to haunt us once more. Truly brilliant.
One situation is a play on Harry potter, being:

Harry, come quickly, dumbledore's been in some sort of accident!
Oh My God, was it serious??
No, snape.

This is what we mean. It is also the first video to include a plotline, centred around an investigation into everyone's favourite- Doctor Octogonapus. No spoilers here!!! A truly epic story that is undoubtely the best yet. Nice one, Dom.

Jay D
The Brit among Us

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